

Email us Call Us Exhibit Hall Lobby Agenda FollowFollow Office: (440)282-2818  Email:  VICAA is an international brand specialized in sustainable growing solutions for the medical cannabis industry. We offer a wide range of eco-friendly...


Email us Exhibit Hall Lobby Agenda FollowFollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Email: Friday, January 229:00am-10:00am Presentation – Growing regulations and updates Industrial Hemp Program Director Gina Alessandri Attend Friday, January...
Midwest Hemp Council

Midwest Hemp Council

Email us Call Us Exhibit Hall Lobby Agenda FollowFollowFollowFollow Office: (619) 253-7292 Email:  Our Mission The Midwest Hemp Council is also playing a crucial role in the development of a regulatory structure in Indiana. We are required...


Email us Call Us Exhibit Hall Lobby Agenda FollowFollowFollowFollow Office: 800.234.5333  Email: NEOGEN’s diverse portfolio of solutions helps analytical testing laboratories and other businesses in the industry meet regulatory standards with...
Sutton Weed Farm

Sutton Weed Farm

Email us Call Us Exhibit Hall Lobby Agenda FollowFollow Office: (843) 344-3138 Email: A 150 Year Centennial Farm JC & Tyge Sutton of the Sutton Weed Farm are continuing the long tradition of farming. Located in Hudson, Michigan, just south of...