H R 841

March 18, 2021

Important Action Needed To Move The Industrial Hemp Industry Forward!

The industrial hemp revolution is underway, in Michigan and around the country. Our success in the coming months and years to build the hemp economy right here in Michigan requires your help.

Right now, legislatures in Michigan and Washington D.C. are contemplating bills that could tremendously help us grow hemp markets. Making sure these bills get attention, priority, co-sponsorship, and support means our lawmakers need to hear from you.

A great example is the Congressional House Resolution 841. This bipartisan measure helps ensure the FDA recognizes CBD products as dietary supplements. Right now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is holding these products in legal limbo, which means they are unregulated on the shelves. Please take a moment and send an email to your congressional representative to let them know you support HR 841.

Check out some key points about HR 841, including what our partners at the US Hemp Roundtable say about it.

Your note doesn’t need to be lengthy or detailed. Leaders just need to hear from you to know this measure is something they should pay attention to and support.

Don’t know which congressional district you live in? Click here.

Scroll down to see a sample note.

Thank you for taking a few moments to help us move forward with growing Michigan’s hemp economy. Your support is most appreciated. Please contact us directly if you have questions.


The iHemp Team

Sample Text to Customize For Your Lawmaker

Dear (lawmaker),

I’m writing to encourage your support for HR 841. As a proud member of the industrial hemp community in Michigan, I want you to know that this measure is important to helping our state’s newest agricultural commodity grow and find its rightful place in Michigan’s economy.

H.R. 841 would ensure that hemp-derived CBD, and other non-intoxicating hemp ingredients, could be lawfully marketed as dietary supplements. The bill would require CBD and hemp extract product manufacturers to comply with the entire existing comprehensive regulatory framework for dietary supplements, which ensures that the products are deemed safe, properly labeled, and prepared to utilize Good Manufacturing Practices.

Passage would also help stabilize the hemp markets, open a promising economic opportunity for Michigan agriculture and honor the commitment made to farmers in the 2018 Farm Bill.

Please consider co-sponsoring this measure, or at least voting to support its swift passage through Congress. We need this, and we need you to support it.


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